Is a Recession Coming? (with Neil Irwin)

Signs of Recession?

The U.S. economy is entering the longest expansion in history. But, how long can it last? The economic turmoil and relentless uncertainty of President Donald Trump’s mercurial trade policies are making businesses more reluctant to expand. Slowing growth in economies around the world isn’t helping either. New York Times Chief Economic Correspondent Neil Irwin joins the Axis of Reason podcast to discuss whether this all adds up to a recession on the horizon.

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About Neil Irwin

Twitter: @Neil_Irwin

Neil Irwin is a senior economics correspondent for The New York Times, where he writes for The Upshot, a Times site for analysis of politics, economics and more. He is the author of “How to Win in a Winner-Take-All World,” a guide to navigating a career in the modern economy, published by St. Martin’s Press.

He is also the author “The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire,” about the efforts of the world’s central banks to combat the global financial crisis, published by the Penguin Press in 2013. Mr. Irwin was previously a columnist and reporter at The Washington Post, where he led the Post’s coverage of the global financial crisis and the government’s response to it.

Mr. Irwin has an M.B.A. from Columbia University, where he was a Knight-Bagehot Fellow in Economics and Business Journalism, and his undergraduate studies were at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. He has often appeared on television analyzing economic issues, including on “PBS NewsHour” and CNBC. – New York Times Bio


“Often, a recession results when some widely held belief about the world turns out to be false…. This time around, the belief in doubt is that the world will only become more stable and interconnected over time, and that trade, currency and diplomatic relationships can be counted upon.” – Neil Irwin: How the Recession of 2020 Could Happen (NY Times)

How to Win in a Winner-Take-All World

In How to Win in a Winner-Take-All World, Neil Irwin, senior economic correspondent at the New York Times, delivers the essential guide to being successful in today’s economy when the very notion of the “job” is shifting and the corporate landscape has become dominated by global firms. He shows that the route to success lies in cultivating the ability to bring multiple specialties together―to become a “glue person” who can ensure people with radically different technical skills work together effectively―and how a winding career path makes you better prepared for today’s fast-changing world. Through original data, close analysis, and case studies, Irwin deftly explains the 21st century economic landscape and its implications for ambitious people seeking a lifetime of professional success.

The Alchemists

Neil Irwin’s The Alchemists is a gripping account of the most intense exercise in economic crisis management we’ve ever seen, a poker game in which the stakes have run into the trillions of dollars. The book begins in, of all places, Stockholm, Sweden, in the seventeenth century, where central banking had its rocky birth, and then progresses through a brisk but dazzling tutorial on how the central banker came to exert such vast influence over our world, from its troubled beginnings to the Age of Greenspan, bringing the reader into the present with a marvelous handle on how these figures and institutions became what they are – the possessors of extraordinary power over our collective fate.  What they chose to do with those powers is the heart of the story Irwin tells. Available on Amazon here.

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