Is The Trump-Russia Connection a Conspiracy, Or Inexperience?

It may be that Mr. Trump's contrarian instincts, lack of experienced advisors and a string of coincidences are the real Trump-Russia conspiracy.

What to Expect from Former FBI Director James Comey’s Testimony

Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before Congress for the first time since being fired by President Trump. Here's what to expect.

Trump, Comey and Executive Privilege Explained

  President Trump’s decision not to invoke executive privilege and, thus, allow former FBI Director James B. Comey to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee...

The Surprising Reason for the White House’s Oval-shaped Rooms

The oval shape of rooms in the White House was chosen to accommodate an elaborately formal greeting ceremony known as a "Levee." The ceremony was...

Jared Kushner’s Role in the FBI’s Russia Probe Explained

News reports circulated last week that Jared C. Kushner, the son-in-law turned advisor to President Trump, is now a person of interest in the FBI investigation...

How to Prank an Email Scammer

Editor's Note: We've all received spam emails promising huge sums from Nigerian princes and fabulously wealthy foreigners that need you (of all people) to help them invest their...

Did Obama or Bush, like Trump, ever meet with Russians in the Oval Office?

Originally published on Every modern President has met with Russian officials. Presidents Obama and Bush have both met with the very same Russian official...

Are all conversations in the Oval Office recorded?

Conversations in the Oval Office are generally not recorded. However, notetakers may be present in important meetings, especially those with foreign leaders. Presidents could choose...

As Trump Steps Onto World Stage, Republicans in Washington Fret

In the four months since his inauguration, Washington Republicans have clung tightly to the glimmers of promise from President Trump. The early policy fumble of...

How White House Counsel Don McGahn’s Uncle Helped Trump Do a Deal with the...

Two major characteristics separate President Trump from other men to hold the office: He has no political experience, and he heavily relies on family...